The Melbourne Voice
Analysis Centre
About Us
The Melbourne Voice Analysis Centre (MVAC) is a specialist diagnostic voice service equipped with state-of-the-art equipment (including videostroboscopy) to analyse your voice and examine your larynx. It was founded in 1992 to fulfil a need for rigorous, expert voice evaluation and has a proud history of excellence being operated by a team of highly qualified Speech Pathologists and Otolaryngologists (Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeons). All patients are seen jointly by two team members, each having a specific interest and complementary expertise in the management of Voice, Airway and Swallowing problems. This unique service is the most experienced of its kind in Victoria.
- Joint assessment by qualified and experienced Speech Pathologists and Otolaryngologists who specialise in voice problems.
- State-of-the-art digital videostroboscopy and endoscopy diagnostic equipment.
- Physical examination of the larynx.
- Diagnosis of vocal problems.
- Best practice Acoustic & Aerodynamic vocal fold vibration analysis.
- Application of established and novel Patient-Reported-Outcome-Measures
- Full range of world's best therapeutic surgical and office techniques and technologies

Make An Appointment
Whether its for a sudden voice change during singing, or a gradual onset hoarseness, or a difficulty with speeches and presentations, or merely a healthy vocal cord check, or anything in between... call or email us today to make an appointment for all your voice care needs.